Qualification: | Senior researcher / Marine geology and sedimentology |
 | +39 0783 229140 |
 | giannii.de.falco |
 | giovanni.defalco@cnr.it |
Giovanni De Falco (Degree in Geological Sciences, University of Cagliari, 1988). Research areas: Marine Geology, Coastal Morphodynamics, Seabed Mapping, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy. Research subjects: (i) morphological and sedimentary evolution of coastal and shelf systems (beach-dune systems, barrier-lagoon systems, incised valleys) during the late Pleistocene / Holocene (ii) response and adaptation of beach-dune systems, lagoon-barriers and river mouth to anthropic impact and global changes (sea level rise and ocean acidification) (iii) budget of carbonate sediments in marine and coastal areas in relation to the distribution of carbonate-producing ecosystems (Posidonia meadows oceanic, photophilic algae, maerl and rhodolite seabeds, coralligenous banks) (iv) Mapping of marine Geo-Habitats using geophysical methods and direct observations